In Class

6 Weeks

6th Grade

"The Global Market" provides practical information about the importance of the international market, what makes the world market work and how the market affects the daily lives of students. Students learn about fundamental concepts of business and economics, and discover how businesses operate around the world. They also explore career interest and opportunities and learn key principles on financial culture.

  • Business, business ethics, career exploration, communication, cultural awareness in international business, cultural differences, cultural norms, culture, currency, customer, educational and legal requirements, etiquette, exchange rate, export, free trade, immigration, import , innovation, interdependence, international career, international trade, market, market, migration, product, product safety, production, profit, quota, resources, service, specialization, standards, subsidy, tariff, trade, trade barriers, trade embargo.

  • Analyze graphs and evaluate information, analyze human behavior, categorize data, decision making, describe how need leads to innovation, entrepreneurial thinking, examine resources, follow directions, identify business responsibilities, identify foreign currency, identify international job requirements, identify positive and negative traits, interpreting charts and graphs, learning a second language, making customer-based product decisions, negotiating, reading a spreadsheet, reading comprehension, recognizing and applying terms, recognizing the consequences of trade barriers, teamwork, trading, understanding business and cultural ethics, using a currency calculator.