Junior UP 1.0 winning startups one year later

The first group of startups supported by the Junior UP Junior Program of Junior Achievement of Albania completed its journey in September last year with 3 teams that won the grant check to develop the investments they presented at the Demo Day:

  1. Dora Kreative

  2. Switch Tecknologies

  3. LikSad e-Bikes

During a year, the three startups were mentored and advised on all the challenges they had with legal, financial aspects, relationships with suppliers and other important business decisions. During this time they have continuously tested the business model in order to find a sustainable model as well as products and services in the form of prototypes to see further developments of their offer in the market. They have also had the opportunity to increase partners and collaborators. Dora Kreative tells us in the visit that JAA staff made to their offices how they are increasing the portfolio of collaborations with foreign clients who are seeing Albania as a solution to allocate remote work. LikSad e-Bikes in a phase of growth and consolidation of human resources shows how the use of Techspace spaces can be used to develop part of the business operations, in order to reduce costs when the staff grows and needs more space. While Switch Technologies managed to have a fruitful exchange of experience with similar partners in Korça, in order to discuss the most efficient tools to convey coding and programming to young people. It seems that this year has been a year of challenges and growth for the three startups of JUP 1.0 who often continue to emphasize the importance of lessons learned through mentorships and workshops throughout the incubation and acceleration program.